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Trenching Services


Trenching Services
At LT Omega Projects (Pty) Ltd we specialize in splicing, testing and fault finding in fibre optics networks. We have more than 5 years’ experience in the communications industry and work with leading providers including Telkom.

All work we do is carried out professionally, efficiently and cost effectively. We also have a sound background in copper and wireless technology that we tap into when necessary. We have sound knowledge of all types of connections including 3M, Krone, Lucent, Nexan, Tyco and others.

Commitment to Safety and Accountability:
In every team there is a health and safety officer, firefighter, plumber (just in case we hita water pipe), pavers, tar reinstatement team, tar cutting, manholes and landscaping specialists.We are liable for all the damages that we cause to existing services, and we do our work with the approved wayleaves onsite. Whenever we do our trenching, we always make sure that we put adequate warning guidance and protection for motorists, pedestrians, cyclist, and workers from all foreseeable hazards. Our teams are our responsibility hence we make sure they put on Personal Protective Equipment and we use pikes with wooden and plastic to avoid electrocution in case we hit electrical pipes.
Daily Preparation and Proven Expertise
For efficiency we do inductions to our team members every morning for them to familiarize with the site. We have successfully negotiated, engineered, and managed contracts with Cybersmart, Telkom (via Corline and Huawei), Tiroweb, Vumatel, Mtelecoms, Frogfoot, Octotel, Metro fibre, Ampcor, Frogfoot (via principal contractors) and various other contractors.

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